Planefence, and its associated programs, data, tools, documentation, and example code, is Copyright (C) 2020 - 2024 by Ramon F. Kolb, KX1T. KX1T can be reached via email at k x 1 t (at) a m s a t d o t org or via snail mail at PO Box 11, Belmont, MA 02478, USA. This file contains attributions and license terms of software, databases, and other items that were used in the creation and operation of Planefence and Plane-Alert. We are sincerely grateful to all who contributed. If you think that we included parts of your software but we didn't attribute you properly, please contact us and we will add attribution. - dump1090.socket30003 is used under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3. This program is (C) by Ted Sluis (@tedsluis), and a slightly modified fork can be found at Any modification to dump1090.socket30003 are Copyright by their respective owners - Maps are generated thanks to OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). "© OpenStreetMap contributors". More information, including license terms, can be found here: - Leaflet.js, a mapping overlay java script, is Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Vladimir Agafonkin, Copyright (c) 2010-2011, CloudMade, All rights reserved. The license terms can be found here: - OpenAIP map overlays are part of openAIP Data, which can be downloaded and used by anybody for non commercial purposes under the conditions of a special license. openAIP Data is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA license. More details can be found here: - Part of the code, especially the Docker skeleton, was contributed by @Mikenye and @fredclausen. Although they have not asserted any rights over this, I would like to acknowledge their contribution to this project. @fredclausen is also the maintainer of the Bullseye Base Image that is used for this project., - Many thanks to @Wiedehopf, @Mikenye and @fredclausen for all of their coding advice and troubleshooting. Without them the learning curve would have been much steeper! - Especially @Wiedehopf who spent many hours optimizing PlaneFence and Plane-Alert for speed, which resulting in a 90% reduction of runtime! He also helped with timezone conversion when upgrading from Python2 to Python3 - Sorttable.js is Copyright (c) 2013 Tyler Uebele. Released under the MIT license. See included LICENSE.txt or The latest version is available at - The original Plane-Alert database was obtained from We could not find a specific license for the data that they made available on their website, but we are still grateful and support this project wholeheartedly. Please visit the website and make a monetary or non-monetary contribution to this project! - Much of the data that is used during the runtime of Planefence and Plane-Alert is curated manually by a few enthusiastic contributors. This effort is led by @sportsbadger, who can be found at - ICAO to Tail data is contributed by Mictronic, who appears to be distributing this data under the GNU General Public License, version 3. See and - Shane S (@Shorty) of who selflessly helped providing a hosted virtual machine to run our web lookups - The ICAO to N Number conversion code is Copyright by Guillaume Michel (@guillaumemichel) and used in accordance with the GPLv3 license, see - @JDiPierro (FerretWithASpork on Discord) for his contributions to write a Discord Notifier for Planefence and Plane-Alert - @KevinE ( for his highly valuable work setting up the AirWaves Mastodon Server and providing expertise, support, and encouragement to add Mastodon notifications - Last, this Planefence package itself is available under the GNU General Public License, version 3. If this license doesn't work for you, feel free to reach out to to see if we can mutually agree on a license structure that better suits your needs. In any case, since this project was written by a non-professional hobbyist programmer, under no circumstances will we waive the Disclaimer of Warranty and the Limitation of Liability set forth in the license terms.